On this special 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century I would like to express my gratitude to my special guardian angel and it happens to be Yeiayel. The one depicted here is looking large, but is in fact just appr. 2 inches tall magnet decorating my fridge door.
As you can see, Yeiayel has a big heart and is giving a lot of love. Kind candid smile. Wings of this particular little hand made one are similar to sea waves, a hint of my love for the sea. Yellow robe, this Yeiayel is wearing, matches one of the leading colours in my apartment.
I came across this one in Stupava, a town near Bratislava, famous with Cabbage festival. There is a fair with local delicacies and handicrafts held during the festival. Some skilful artist created it and my angel was waiting for me with a cute smile.
Now just think – she is the angel of traveling, in my case that is a match, too.
Thank you for protecting me and accompanying me here, to this day dear Yeiayel!