Arhat is a Buddhist monk who has attained Nirvana. Based upon this arhat or rakan means “the sublime being” who completely conquered disturbing emotions. Arhat is thus calm in his thought, calm in his speech, calm in his deeds, because he is wholly freed, perfectly tranquil and wise. His achievement of Nirvana was brought about by enlightenment and purification from fetters.
Shakyamuni Buddha predicted that the 16 Arhats would protect the dharma. This is the reason why their statues are placed inside the San Mon – or the Main Gate of Komyo-ji Temple in Kamakura on the upper floor. It is the second gate behind the entrance gate. They have divine power. If you pray to them, your worries will be settled and your wishes will be fulfilled. I just have to whisper my wishes to them…

1/ Venerable Pindola Bharadraja of Binzuru – if you pray to him, sufferings and wisdom will be bestowed upon you. Born into a family of royal chaplains, he found the meaning in this life. Seeing the gifts and favors that were bestowed on the Buddha´s disciples he had decided to become a monk. At first he was very greedy and went about with a large alms bowl, however, following the Buddha´s personal advice he conquered his greed and lived srictly on whatever he received and soon he became an arhat. He constantly showed his gratitude to the Buddha by obeying his words and working only for the benefit of others.
2/ Venerable Kanakavatsa – if you pray to him, he will support you to realize the essence of Buddha´s words and you will be skilled at speaking. He will help you to fulfill your wishes. He was born to wealthy parents. Simultaneously one of his father´s elephants gave birth to a calf that produced gold. As he grew up, he and the elephant calf were constant companions. The king commanded that he give the elephant to him. Kanakavatsa willingly gave it to the king. However the elephant kept coming back to Kanakavatsa. Realizing that such wealth only created discord, he sought ordination from the Buddha and joined the Sangha, eventually becoming and arhat.
3/ Venerable Kanakabharadraja – holding the green leaf – if you pray to him, he will grant you the ability to be free from bad tendencies or very difficult situations. Born to a wealthy householder he grew up generous and compassionate, supporting the poor and giving alms to religious persons. Upon hearing the Buddha teach, he disposed of his wealth to the poor and requesting his parents permission he became a monk. After practicing for some time he became an arhat.
4/ Venerable Subinda or Abheda – if you pray to him, he will grant you the strength to confess the past incorrect actions and make your dreams come true. Born in Brahmin family he was an exceptionally beautiful child. As a youth he was known for his modesty and compassion and had a keen intellect. When he met the Buddha, he requested ordination and joined the Sangha. Studying and practicing with great energy he attained realization and became an arhat.
5/ Venerable Nakula or Bakula – if you pray to him, necessities will be granted and you will acumulate merit. He was first an accomplished scholar and then lived as a wandering ascetic. One day, seated high on a mountain, he saw the Buddha passing on the road below. Afraid he would not be able to catch up with him by following the road, he jumped directly from the mountain, but was spared from injury by the power of the Buddha. He requested ordination and joined the Sangha. After studying and practicing he became an arhat.
6/ Venerable Bhadra – if you pray to him, he will guide you so that you can develop the power of concetration and know the natural state of mind. His father served the Buddha´s father as a charioteer. He wished for his son to become Prince Gautama´s charioteer. Later, when Gautama became the Buddha, he promised that if he had a son, that son would become a monk. Bhadra was born and grew up to be a renowned scholar. Later, upon hearing of his father´s promise, he gladly became a monk. Accumulating merit and practicing with diligence he became an arhat renowned for his teaching and meritorious actions.
7/ Venerable Kalika – if you pray to him, he will grant you courage to conquer disturbing emotions and attain enlightenment. Instructed in the classical studies from an early age, he became a learned scholar and then joyfully took up the Dharma becoming the attendant of the Arhat Aniruddha. When he came of age, he became a full bhikshu. Devoting himself to meditation he became an arhat. Out of gratitude to the Buddha he resolved to follow his example and dedicated himself to helping all beings. Keeping nothing for himself he dwelt in cemeteries, living on discarded food and clothing.
8/ Venerable Vajraputra – if you pray to him, he will help you to achieve every virtuous intent. Raised as a prince he became a learned scholar. Upon hearing the Dharma from the Arhat Katyayana he took lay wows. Eventually he became disillusioned with wordly life and requested full ordination. Later, he was badly treated by the king of another city and in anger he requested to be released from his wows in order to raise an army. Katyayana asked him to wait one more night. That night in a dream Vajraputra saw what the consequences of his anger would be. He then received further teachings from Katyayana and became an arhat.

9/ Venerable Jivaka or Gopaka – if you pray to him, he will grant you the ability to become excellent in study and art. Your wish can become true. From his birth his body was covered with ulcers and sores and he was in constant pain. His parents spared no expense to find a cure for him, but to no avail. One day he went to Jeta Grove and saw the Buddha teaching. He bowed to him on wonder. Seeing his condition the Buddha explained the impermanence of all existence. Realizing the implications of this teaching he followed the life of a bhikshu, became ordained and attained realization. He realized his condition was due to causing great pain to another person in previous life.
10/ Venerable Panthaka – if you pray to him, he will help you to develop the wisdom to express or convey your messages. You will improve yourself. Panthaka is the elder brother of Chudapanthaka, one of the Sixteen Arhats. He was an accomplished scholar with hundreds of students. After listening to a monk who had been explaining the Buddha´s teaching of interdependent origination, he sought ordination, studied and mediated on the teachings and attained the level of arhat. He then taught Dahrma widely.
11/ Venerable Rahula – if you pray to him, he will guide you to pacify negative thoughts and actions so that you become able to understand the Dharma and attain enlightenment. He is the Buddha´s son. When he was six years old, the Buddha visited his homeland and was greeted by his family. Soon afterwards Rahula, wishing to be with his father, joined the Sangha. He was noted for his diligent study and observance of the Vinaya. When the Buddha was about to enter parinirvana, Rahula overcome with grief begged him to remain. But the Buddha reminded him of the impermanence of all things and assured him he would be guided by all the buddhas for as long as he remained in the world.
12/ Venerable Nagasena – if you pray to him, he will help you to know the cause of sufferings and pacify the sufferings and accomplish everything. Born into a royal family he saw that his future duties might involve him in war and judging others, so he renounced his inheritance, went to the Buddha and was accepted into the Sangha. He studied the Tripitaka deeply and was renowned for his detachment from the world. In gratitude to the Buddha he devoted his life to teaching the Dharma and helping others to attain realization.
13/ Venerable Angaja – if you pray to him, he will support you to make your thoughts and behavior pure and honest. You will become strong in keeping discipline. As a householder Angaja was immensely wealthy and gave all his wealth away seven times. But he realized that his riches only caused jealousy and dispute. Distiributing everything he had, he asked the Buddha for ordination and joined the Sangha, later becoming an arhat.
14/ Venerable Vanavasin – if you pray to him, he will protect you from misfortune, obstacles, diseases or pain. He was a learned scholar of the Vedas. He became an ascetic in the forest and attained a certain level of realization. Knowing it was the right time to convert him, the Buddha came to the grove where he lived. Upon seeing the Buddha, Vanavasin was filled with faith immediately. He then listened to the Dharma, studied and practiced with great devotion and attained the level of arhat. The Buddha said that amongst those who dwell in solitude, Vanavasin is the most excellent.
15/ Venerable Ajita – if you pray to him, your merit will increase. At his birth ajita had all the signs of great virtue. He and the daughter of King Prasenajit fell in love. Even though he was a commoner, Ajita gradually proved his worhiness to the king and they were married. The Buddha explained that in a past life they had made offerings to the Biddha Vipashyin, who predicted that in a future life they would marry and then be attracted to the religious life. Ajita and his wife cut-off all worldly attachment and joined the Sangha. Ajita became celebrated as the most meritorious of the Buddha´s disciples.
16/ Venerable Chudapanthaka – if you pray to him, he will help you to purify negative thoughts and be saved from sufferings and develop various wisdoms. As a disciple he was exceedingly dull and stupid. He could not apply his mind or commit to memory even one stanza of doctrine. The Buddha gave him the words “Get rid of the dust, get rid of the impurities” and told him to sweep the floor as his practice. Eventually he started to think about the meaning of the words and thereby attained realization. The Buddha appointed him to teach the nuns, some of whom were deeply insulted. But he soon led them to great realization through his teaching and miraculous displays.