Jochi – ji – ranking fourth among five most important zen temples in Kamakura.
It was founded in 1281 by Hojo Munemasa (1253-1281)´s wife and son Hojo Motoroki (1275-1311) – of Hojo clan, Munemasa family. The temple opened the year Munemasa died at the age of 29. It is interesting that the temple also has three official founding priests.
Picturesque! At the foot of the romantic old stone bridge in front of the main entrance there is KANRO NO I = WELL OF SWEET DEW. It can be seen in this picture to the left of the bridge. It is one to the 10 wells of Kamakura with water reportedly as sweet as honey, however it cannot be drunk at present These romantic old stone stairs lead up to a very unusual Belltower Gate Shórómon – shóró = belfry, mon = gate – Belltower temple gate – it is very unusual to have a temple gate combined with a bell tower. The second story houses a bell cast in 1340Main Hall where the main objects of worship, three seated Buddhas, are Three wooden statues on the central altar represent seated Buddha and are said to have been created during the Muromachi period (between appr. 1336-1573). They symbolize the past, the present and the future From left to right: AMIDA = PAST, SHAKA = PRESENT, MIROKU = FUTURE. One of the main Zen rules is to free oneself from time and to concentrate fully on present reality which is eternally real while both past and future are merely an illussion
This is not a bear, this is Tanuki, the Japanese raccoon dog. Very often he is a fairy tale hero. It is very interesting that if something is thrown at real tanuki, or if he is being shot at, he falls and lies like dead despite not being even injured. He does not intentionally pretend to be dead but his blood pressure drops reflexively so, that he seems to be dead. Thus it happens that people consider him to be dead and suddenly he “miraculously revives” and escapes. In fact it is his defence against enemiesGraveyard with yaguras Hotei has already been touched by generations of Japanese wishing to improve their luck. Rub his belly, stroke his head, touch his earlobe and index finger. They are already quite smooth! Hotei, one of the 7 Gods of Luck, god of happiness is pointing his index finger at you!